
What's On This Week 🌻 We πŸ’š Spring

from 7:45am Mon, 1 Oct 2018
to 7:45am Wed, 3 Oct 2018

by Admin Team
Posted: over 5 years ago
Visible to: public

Time zone: Perth
Reminder: None
Ends: 7:45am Wednesday 03 October 2018 (duration is 2 days)

πŸ’¬Our Chats
What happens in our garden during Spring.
What is the weather like in spring and what should we wear?
Looking for all the different colours in our garden.
Insects help our garden to grow.
🌈 Math
Colours in the rainbow and what colours I need to mix to make some of those colours.
My sense of smell and what springtime smells like to me!
πŸ“šOur Stories
Guess How Much I Love Spring by Sam McBratney
The ABC Books of Seasons by H Martin & J Simpson
Listen, Listen by Alexander Kern

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